Student Loans

Student Loans:


We would like to help raise up a new, educated generation of Haitians who are not reliant on handouts, but have the skills needed to provide for their families and contribute to their community. Lending a student money to attend college is something Loving Haiti is very excited about. The potential long term benefits of school loans are extraordinary.  The loans will be offered at no interest and the students will be responsible for paying off their balance after they graduate.

Example: Meet Darlin. He’s beautiful, brilliant and wants to become a dentist…in Pignon! His father was a dentist in Pignon but passed away. Darlin speaks four languages, has completed all the schooling necessary to attend dental school and is praying for God to open a door for him to be able to go. His schooling would cost $6,000/year for four years. Once graduated, he would begin repaying the loan!


There are many more kids just like Darlin that desire to attend college(nursing school, mechanical school, seminary) but cannot. If you are interested in partnering with us in offering this kids a college education please contact us!