Mark-Day 10 (Sickness and Roosters)













Day 10 – Tuesday, February 28th

Relentless Scripture: Proverbs 17:22

Relentless Focus: Laugh and Increase the World’s Health


Relentless Example: “A Joyful heart is good medicine …” Today, Pastor François, Missionary Bill (Haiti Home of Hope for the Orphans) and I, were going to make a run into Cap Haitian to pick up more supplies. Unfortunately, I had to back out at the last moment due to an emerging health issue, specifically, Diarrhea. Those of you who have traveled in this condition know what I’m talking about, and probably wished they had not. You see, there are no public rest stops/bathrooms sequenced between Pignon and Cap Haitian. And even if they were, the odds are slim and none that I would reach them in time. The roads are rough and impartial to medical conditions.  The call of nature call be a strange thing;  sometimes all you can do is answer quickly and politely, while other times it’s a little more quickly and much more violent. Sometimes you smile, sometimes you cry, and sometimes you just have to take your medicine and laugh. So I found some good anti-diarrheal medicine this morning that my daughter Abby had left from her last trip and took it with a smile.

I feel very good.  I just have to pretend that I’m a tight end instead of a wide receiver, if you know what I mean. I’m also gaining a new appreciation for the scripture that says we’re “… the Head not the Tail …” That’s one promise I’ll be holding onto today.










This morning as we prayed before Pastor left, some roosters started up their heckling for my amusement. And being the mature man that I am, I started my own heckling session (loud authentic crowing) as my wife Jill loves in her presence and even more in the presence of other witnesses.  I don’t believe the Haitians ever heard a man crow with as much soul as I did this morning. Before you knew it, some kids started trying this soulful expression and laughed so hard that the sun started smiling. Then Madame François noticed all the commotion and came out of her house; to my surprise she joined right in on the fun. We were all crowing, laughing and smiling so hard that even the roosters were taking notes.

I recognize that poverty and sickness in Haiti is no laughing matter with the population of 9.8 million people. Most people are at high risk for major infectious diseases.  According to the World Health Organization, “90% of Haiti’s children suffer from waterborne diseases and intestinal parasites. Food or waterborne diseases include bacterial and protozola diarrhea, hepatitis A & E, and typhoid fever; common vector borne diseases are dengue fever and malaria; water contact diseases include leptospirosis. Roughly 75% of Haitian households lack running water. Unsafe water, along with inadequate housing and unsanitary living conditions, contributes to the high incidence of infectious diseases.”










In Haiti, I find myself both laughing and crying, but a joyful heart is good medicine!


Tangible Need: Ongoing de-worming medicine and anti-diarrheal medicine for guests like me.

Pray for Loving Haiti: Health Care Personnel; affordable hospitals with adequate resources; clean water & sanitary practices in place.

Pray for Me: That I can laugh and cry without hurting myself or others.  STAY WELL 🙂